more questions?

Feel free to contact us at info@calmandcollectedmusic.com

  • Can I use tracks multiple times for different projects?

    You may download unlimited content and use songs, in as many projects as you'd like during the length of your subscription, subject to our Terms of Use. But If you choose to cancel your subscription, you cannot use our content in new projects. In addition, for each use of music that is broadcast on network/cable television, a cue sheet is required.

  • If I cancel my membership what happens?

    Your current and future projects are safe to continue using the content, subject to our Terms of Use. However, for custom licensing in broadcast on network/cable television, a cue sheet is required. 

  • Can I cancel whenever? What about refunds?

    You can cancel your account at any time! Requests to cancel within the first 30 days of the initial subscription period may be entitled to a refund if you have not used any of our content.

  • Is content able to be used after my subscription expires?

    With canceled accounts, you cannot re-download or use our content in new projects. However, you can continue to use content from previous projects using content subject to our Terms of Use.

  • Where is your official legal agreement?

    You can view our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy here.

  • Do I need a Cue Sheet for Broadcast on TV?

    You can license our content for commercial purposes, but a cue sheet is required if the project is broadcast on network/cable television. When using a C&C song for TV, cue sheets help the performing rights organizations know whom to pay for the use of that song. Broadcast and cue sheets do not add any cost to you or your client but are required to be submitted within 30 days of air date for every project that airs on network/cable television. Sound effects and videos do not require cue sheet submission for broadcast use.

  • Do you have a partner or affiliate program I can sign up for?

    Not at the moment but we have several partner programs. If you are interested in partnering please contact us at info@calmandcollectedmusic.com

  • ‍I have a podcast, does the subscription cover that?

    Yes! you are entitled to use our content on multiple podcasts.

  • Can I use C&C music tracks to create my own song?

    No you cannot. All of the content on our site is copyrighted material, so altering the integrity of the song (including adding vocals or additional instruments) is strictly prohibited. However, you may shorten, loop, or fade into another track to fit your project.

  • Why should I list my YouTube channel with C&C?

    When you add your YouTube channel to your C&C account allows us to automatically clear any copyright claims that appear through YouTube videos. When you upload a video you may initially see a claim on YouTube , but as long as you have listed your YouTube channel in your account, the claim will automatically clear, usually within a few minutes. If not, please reach out to info@calmandcollectedmusic.com and let us know how we can help.

  • What is YouTube's Content ID?

    Copyright owners can use a system called Content ID to easily identify and manage their content on YouTube.  Videos uploaded to YouTube are scanned against a database of files that have been submitted to YouTube by content owners.

    Copyright owners get to decide what happens when content in a video on YouTube matches a work they own.  When a match is found, the video gets a Content ID claim.  Copyright owners can then choose to monetize the video by running ads.

    Learn more about Content ID on YouTube.

  • What happens if I receive a content claim on my YouTube video?

    When you upload a video to YouTube, YouTube will automatically scan the video for any copyrighted material and put a claim on any copyrighted content it identifies, whether or not the uploader has a license for that content.  This claim simply recognizes the presence of copyrighted music and does not mean that your video cannot be published or that there is anything wrong.

    When you license music through C&C, you have all of the licensing rights needed to upload content to a YouTube channel.  Any claims received on a channel that has been listed with C&C will automatically be cleared, usually within a few minutes.  If the YouTube channel is not listed with your account or you are creating videos for a client, you should generate a single use code and include that code in the video’s description upon upload.  These codes will also cause any claims to clear automatically.  

    If a claim is received that does not clear automatically, C&C subscribers can submit the YouTube video URL in the Content ID section of the Account Menu to clear any active claims.  Videos must be uploaded during the dates of an active subscription, but may be submitted at any time.

    As with any system, YouTube’s Content ID is a growing and changing product, and errors do sometimes happen.  If you receive a content claim in error that does not release automatically, you can dispute the claim directly with YouTube.  Filing a dispute claim will notify C&C about the claim and allow us to evaluate the dispute.  After your claim is resolved, any monetization that occurred on your video during the dispute process will be returned to you.  Additional questions or concerns?  Please reach out to us at info@calmandcollectedmusic.com.

    Learn more about disputing a content claim through YouTube.

  • What happens to my YouTube channel if I no longer subscribe to C&C?

    Your registered YouTube channel will be cleared of content claims automatically while you are a member.  If you end your subscription, any content that has already been cleared while you were an active member will remain free of content claims.  However, if you upload new videos to your YouTube channel using C&C music after your subscription has ceased, those videos will be subject to content claims per our Terms of Service.

    Single use codes used to clear individual videos for channels not listed with C&C cannot be generated after a subscription expires.  If you are producing YouTube content that will be uploaded after your subscription period ends, please generate a single use code for any songs used in a project prior to the end of your subscription period.

  • If I list my channel with C&C, what data do you have access to?

    When you list your YouTube channel on your C&C account, you are simply providing your channel name and link, allowing us to clear that channel ID.  C&C does not gain access to any private channel data, or access to your audience.